May 11, 2023
David Coale Joins Texas Media to Discuss Legal Issues Post-Title 42
Following the expiration of Title 42, border agents and state troopers are now tasked with processing asylum seekers based on new guidelines from the Biden administration. LPHS David Coale spoke with Fox 4 and KLIF 570 about the decisions Texas and federal officials face.
"There'll be a lot of issues. Any attempts to streamline one part of this process and make it easier to handle somebody or expedite somebody's case automatically puts somebody else at a disadvantage, and yes, opens that decision up to a potential court challenge," Coale explained to Fox 4.
“[Homeland Security has] come up with a number of new rules in the meantime, because they knew this was coming to try to make it harder in some cases, to try to make it easier to process in some others,” said Coale to KLIF.
To view the Fox 4 feature click here, and to listen to the complete interview with KLIF 570, click here.