Jun 29, 2023

David Coale Interviewed on SCOTUS Decisions on Fox4
On consecutive days following the U.S. Supreme Court decisions on affirmative action in higher education and the student loan forgiveness plan, LPHS attorney David Coale joined Fox 4 “Good Day” for live interviews to break down the rulings and what the decisions are likely to mean for the future.
"If the goal continues to be to try to
have a diverse student body, however defined, universities are going to have to
be very careful about how they define that where it doesn't explicitly set
racial targets for what you want to have in your class,” he said in commenting
of the affirmative action ruling. “What the next step is going to be in this is
people doing things like the Top 10% Rule that we have at the University of
Texas that on its face is race-neutral but is designed to achieve certain
diversity goals in the student population."
“Presidents don’t have magic wands, and you
can’t go around forgiving things just because you think it’s a good idea,”
David said when discussing the Court’s ruling on student loan forgiveness. “This
opinion is a reminder of that Congress sets rules for this sort of thing, and
you can’t go beyond that. These two opinions together are very important
rule-setting cases for how our three branches of government fit together.”
To watch the complete interview on affirmative
action, click here, and on the student loan forgiveness plan
click here.