Jan 6, 2019

Josh Sandler Speaks to the Dallas CPA Society
Lynn Pinker Cox & Hurst partner Joshua M. Sandler spoke to the Dallas CPA Society on January 8, 2019 about legal and contract issues affecting those in business.
“Whether you draft contracts for a living, litigate them as I do, negotiate them, or work subject to them, there are some basic litigation tips everyone should know to keep their clients, customers, or themselves out of the courthouse.”
The Dallas CPA Society, a chapter of the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants, serves approximately 6,200 CPA members in the Dallas and surrounding 13 counties. It is the second-largest chapter of the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants (TSCPA), the statewide professional association with over 27,000 members and 20 chapters around the state.