Sep 15, 2023
Andrés Correa and Daniela Vera Holmes Appointed to Patrick E. Higginbotham American Inn of Court
The firm is pleased to congratulate its attorneys Andrés Correa for his appointment as barrister and Daniela Vera Holmes for her appointment an associate to the Patrick E. Higginbotham American Inn of Court for the upcoming year.
The Patrick E. Higginbotham American Inn of Court, chartered by the American Inns of Court Foundation in 1988 as the Dallas Inn of Court LVI, promotes professionalism, ethics, civility, and excellence among legal professionals who focus on litigation. The Center for American and International Law has sponsored the Higginbotham Inn since the Inn was formed. The American Inns of Court movement has grown to include nearly 400 chartered Inns of Court in the United States and abroad, with almost 30,000 active members.
More information about the Higginbotham Inn is available on the American Inns of Court website.